Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Deal or No Deal

So my new favorite game show is "Deal or No Deal". It's this show where you choose a case, it could have $1 million in it or $5. Then by process of elimination you try and find out what is - and is not - in your case. Between each round the banker, the bad guy, makes you a deal to buy your case. The principle is simple. Choose (i.e. eliminate) the low dollar amounts and you have a greater probability of having the high amount in the case you chose. The banker doesn't want you leaving with the high amount, so he tries to cut you a deal to buy your case from you before you know what is in it. It's tons of fun and I love seeing people get greedy and then get screwed.

So anyway, this got me to thinkin' about a few things. First of all. They totally need a celebrity banker. Can't you see Mr. T up there like "I PITY THE FOO' WHO DON'T TAKE THIS DEAL". Also, if I got to go onto the show, who would I take as my team. See you have a small group of people with you to help make the decision to take the deal or not. So here's what I came up with:

Kate: she's really the brains of this operation anyway
Tom: he's good at math. I just hear him telling me "Well dude, the standard deviation of the 6 cases you have left plus the probability of you having the million dollars minus, of course, the algorithim Mr. T the banker uses to make his deal....I say NO DEAL".
My mom: for comedic value and emotional support
Caleb: When I have two cases left, one for $1 million dollars and one for $5 (and the bankers deal is $500,000), he'd be the one to tell me "NO DEAL" just to see me get screwed.

I want to know: who would be the best celebrity banker and who would you bring to the show?


Caleb M. Saarela said...
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Caleb M. Saarela said...

Homer Simpson (Everyone is a winner, how much did I offer, d'oh, MC Hammer (Cause he is so good with money), Napoleon (He's short, that's always funny), Lemmy from Motorhead (that guy is just creepy), and the ultimate celebrity banker...

Strong Bad!!!
He would be one awesome bank manager...

mm said...

Wesley Willis. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Hi Scotty! I was going through my old e-mails and learned that you have a blog! Fantastic! Anyway, I think Strong Bad is a great choice, as is Mr. T, but I think Ozzy Osbourne would be AWESOME. Love you--say hi to your wife for me!

Anonymous said...

first i just want to say that it takes a very good man to admit that the woman in his life is the brains in the operation. a very good, honest man.

as for your questions. well, i think the amazing jonathan would make a really good celebrity banker even if he isn't THAT famous. he would SO screw with your mind.

who would i bring on the show....i agree with your tom assessment. chris b., as well. and mikey b/c he's so pragmatic.